
Why It’s So Hot and Smoggy

Life in the Southland this week has been like being trapped inside a barbeque with the hood closed tight. Thanks to an unusually strong high-pressure system, temperatures have soared to record highs while smog alerts have been issued throughout the region. The villan? A 2,000- foot inversion layer that has trapped auto and industrial fumes against the mountains in the broiling inland areas.

And we are not alone. The hot weather stretches from the Pacific to the Mississippi River, where records are melting like ice cream. In Phoenix, the mercury hit 118 degrees, a new high for July 28. In Los Angeles on Friday, the Civic Center high of 101 was the hottest ever recorded for the date.

Triple-digit temperatures are expected to remain in the inland areas of Southern California through the weekend. But meterologists expect things to start easing off on Monday.


Beat the Heat Here’s how to avoid becoming an emergency-room statistic: * Drink plenty of water * Wear loose cotton clothing * Avoid alcohol * Exercise only during cool hours * Reduce outdoor activity

Medical Trouble Signs The elderly, children and people working or exercising in the sun should be watched for signs of heat exhaustion or stroke: * Mental confusion * Pale, dry or clammy skin * Lack of sweat * Lethargy, weakness * Shallow breathing * Rapid, weak pulse * Body temperature over 101 * Muscle cramps * Headache If any of these signs are present, take the following steps: * Move victim to cool spot * Remove clothing * Cover with wet sheet * Fan facial area * Call paramedics

Pet Safety * Keep in house or provide plenty of outdoor shade * Keep water bowls filled * Do not leave in car * Spray with or immerse in cool water


Cooling the Home * Keep drapes and blinds closed; consider installing window awnings or applying tinting. * Fans improve circulation in frequently used rooms. * Portability room air conditioners can provide cool air where needed. * During cooler evening hours, open windows to provide cross-ventilation. * Automatic timer: Can be set to turn central air conditioning off or on at specified times. * Weatherization: Insulation, caulking and weather stripping keep heat out.

Electrical Utilities Any power- related problems should be reported to: * Southern California Edison: Call the number listed on your bill or check the telephone directory for the proper listing for your area. * Anaheim Public Utilities Department: (714) 635-9051 (Anaheim residents only) * San Diego Gas & Electric: (714) 495-6181 Sources: American Medical Assn., San Diego Gas & Electric, Anaheim Public Utilities Department, Southern California Edison, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, Mission Viejo Animal Hospital; Researched by JANICE L. JONES / Los Angeles Times

Selected Temperatures For Friday Anaheim: 92 degrees Dana Point: 76 degrees El Toro: 93 degrees Laguna Beach: 84 degrees Lake Forest: 93 degrees Newport Beach: 72 degrees San Juan Capistrano: 88 degrees Santa Ana: 92 degrees


ELSEWHERE Long Beach:..87 degrees Palm Spring: 123 degrees Death Valley: 126 degrees
