
ANAHEIM : A Clearer Picture of Cable-TV Service

Only 6% of Anaheim’s cable-TV subscribers tune in regularly to City Council meetings, a recent survey found.

The council learned that discouraging fact this week at a workshop focusing on the quality of service provided by Multi-Vision Cable Television.

The city’s franchise with MultiVision Cable Television is due to expire in January, 1997. To gauge customer satisfaction, the city and an Arcadia-based research firm conducted a telephone survey of 400 cable-TV subscriber households. Results were then compared to a similar poll conducted in 1989.


Among the latest findings: 87% of viewers are satisfied with their service, compared to 82% six years ago. When subscribers do complain, it is most often about temporary problems with picture quality.

When asked about new services, subscribers showed the greatest interest in having home access to library information. Data about city services, restaurants and shopping also rated high, along with being able to order movies at any time for a fee.

The most common suggestion for improving MultiVision’s service: lower rates.
