
Organizers Might Salvage Big Orange Classic

Encouraged by recent meetings with potential title sponsors, organizers of the Big Orange Classic, formerly known as the Freedom Bowl, believe the postseason college football game can be salvaged for the upcoming season, a source familiar with the negotiations indicated Friday.

Representatives of the the Orange County Sports Assn., which has operated and promoted the money-losing game for 11 years, met with representatives of the Orange County Tourism Consortium on Thursday and had follow-up discussions Friday about providing funding for the game.

OCSA Executive Director Jerry McGee acknowledged the sports association’s leaders are more optimistic about the game’s survival than they have been in the last few months. But he stressed that some obstacles remain; the biggest being whether the NCAA still wants the game in its bowl lineup.


A decision on whether the game will be played is expected next week.

The NCAA Bowl Committee has been cooperative, extending deadlines to allow the OCSA to make its plans. But McGee is unsure if too much time has elapsed.

McGee’s office Friday tried unsuccessfully to reach NCAA Assistant Executive Director David Cawood, who was traveling. McGee said he expects to speak with Cawood early next week.
