NEW YORK GIRLS?: The surf’s no good...
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NEW YORK GIRLS?: The surf’s no good there, but it’s Manhattan, not Malibu, where the public premiere will be held Aug. 16 for “I Just Wasn’t Made for These Times,” the film about Beach Boy Brian Wilson directed by Don Was. The reason: The screening will be followed by a gala private party at the landmark blues club S.O.B.’s, benefiting the Children’s Health Fund, a charity co-founded by New Yorker Paul Simon.
The big question, though, is whether the Beach Boys will reunite to perform at the party. Wilson himself is definitely planning to perform with a band led by Was, and most of the Beach Boys are expected to be on hand. But missing will be Mike Love, the group’s primary singer, who recently made up with Wilson after a bitter lawsuit (won by Love) over songwriting credit and payments. It’s not because they’ve fallen out again--Love just isn’t available that night.
The film was screened at the Sundance Festival in Utah earlier this year and will be broadcast on the Disney Channel on Aug. 27.