
Kudos for Aviation Expo in Van Nuys

* The Van Nuys Aviation Expo was fantastic. This year’s theme, “A Salute to America’s Veterans,” made it even more special.

The airport staff deserves credit for putting on this great annual event. It takes them months to plan and execute all that we see at the Expo. I had the opportunity to volunteer this year, so I know firsthand what hard work the airport staff at Van Nuys had to do. It was a thrill for me to help in a small way.

The 200,000 people that came and enjoyed themselves had much to see: the modern fighters of today, B-52 and B-1 bombers and civilian aircraft as well. The Harrier Jump Jet took center stage, however. Only 29 air shows will get to have the Harrier perform this year, and Van Nuys was truly fortunate to have it.


Its demonstration over the field was amazing. The crowds loved it, young and old, male and female. The Harrier gave us all a great show.

The San Fernando Valley residents who supported this Expo with their attendance clearly overshadow the few who always complain about airport activities.

Thank you, Van Nuys airport staff, for a wonderful Aviation Expo.


Van Nuys
