
L.A. SPEAK : Trades Talk

For industry outsiders, Variety and the Hollywood Reporter can be as cryptic as a conversation with a surfer dude. Some help on translating the trades:

fannybumper n. a crowded party. Coined by Hollywood Reporter columnist George Christy.

helm v. to direct. “Ron Howard, hot off ‘Apollo 13,’ is set to helm ‘Ransom,’ a Touchstone thriller starring Mel Gibson.”

nonpro n. someone not in show biz. Used frequently in marriage and birth announcements. “Groom is an actor; bride is nonpro.”


tenpercentary n. an agency.

topline v. to star.

web n. a TV network. ABC, for example, is the “Alphabet Web.”

weblet n. fledgling network. “The Discovery Channel is launching Animal Planet, a nature weblet.”

yakker n. a talk show. “Fox is planning a Sunday morning news yakker.”
