
France--Ramona and Jack Pei, Rancho Palos Verdes:...

France--Ramona and Jack Pei, Rancho Palos Verdes: “Chateau de Montplaisir, Condat-sur-Trincon, 24530 Champagnac-de-Belair; tel. 011-33- 53-548-314; fax 011-33-53- 542-143. Country hospitality and superb dinners in the Perigord area. Owners have excellent advice on what to see.” Doubles: $54; breakfast: $7; dinner, $15-$33.

New Zealand--Pat Shores, Los Angeles: “The Lone Star Cafe, 26 Manchester St., Christchurch; 011-64-3-365-7086. Good service, great food (ribs, chicken and rack of lamb), in a Texas-style atmosphere.” Dinners only; meals average $16.

Pennsylvania--Lori Dinkin, Valley Village: “The Boxwood Inn, P.O. Box 203, Akron 17501; (800) 238-3466. On four beautiful acres, away from busy streets. Hosts June and Dick Klemm have got to be the friendliest people around.” Rates $75-$95.



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