
House Hearings on Waco

From Day One, Democrats in the House joint hearings have been missing the point on Waco. Maybe the Republicans are getting mileage out of it, but taxpayers have a right to know about the high level cover-up that is now obvious, and the serious flaws committed by those responsible for law enforcement.

The purpose of the hearings is to inform all Americans who have not seen information previously available on the Waco tragedy. The bombing of Oklahoma City is not in vain if it shows what others have known and been saying about Waco.

Democrat sideshow tactics are abominable. They waste time defending the President instead of concentrating on getting answers for their constituents. There is no need for me to second-guess the actions of the officials responsible for Waco; hearing members are doing a fine job of that. However, skimpy evidence tends to support claims that national law enforcement agencies are out of control.


David Koresh may have been insane, but the action of this government in attempting to resolve the situation was too. Waco shows the need of citizen awareness of what government is doing.



* As a retired police officer, I am totally disgusted with the bad-mouthing of law enforcement by Republican congressmen at the Waco hearings. Obviously they are doing this just to discredit Clinton and his Administration, and to curry votes from the extremist right.

Four law enforcement officers gave their lives in doing their duty at Waco. And now their deaths are ignored and overshadowed by zealous partisan Republican rhetoric, and for nothing but political gain. It’s certainly a disgusting spectacle being acted out by those used-to-be big law-and-order supporters!



Huntington Beach

* Re the Waco hearing editorial (July 19):

Koresh was a criminal. He sexually abused children, taught them how to commit suicide, stored illegal weapons and indulged in unlawful activities. To glorify him as an innocent victim of federal agents as portrayed by right-wing conservative Republicans in a congressional hearing is sickening. We should be applauding federal agencies for watching these nuts.



* Regarding the article by Robert Scheer (“Stopping the Waco Buck at Reno,” Column Left, July 18), I’m getting sick and tired of all the wailing and weeping for the criminals in the compound at Waco. These people were breaking the law by accumulating illegal firearms and refused a search warrant, resisted arrest and killed four federal agents in the act, then continued resisting arrest for 51 days, any day of which they could have surrendered peaceably, and finally blew themselves up rather than give themselves up as they were urged to do for hours before the assault. Whatever mistakes were made after that were the fault of the Davidians, particularly their leader, Koresh. I believe there is a point of law that says anyone killed or injured in a standoff with the law is the responsibility of the accused, not the law.

All this garbage about Waco being stirred up out there is strictly the result of the NRA and their Republican stooges trying to “get” Bill Clinton for his support of gun control.



Riviera, Ariz.

* It was gratifying to see radical leftist Scheer condemn the government’s role in the Waco and Ruby Ridge tragedies. Normally, people from the radical left are angered when any government goes after their heroes, but are overjoyed whenever any government goes after their hated enemies. Scheer actually condemned the government for its behavior against both the left and the right! Strange behavior for a leftist!


Culver City
