
Reservoir Plan Has Safety Concerns

* Recently, we received a document regarding a proposed reservoir project in the Camarillo Heights area. There are two sites that the city is considering for this, one on the northwest corner of Mesa Drive and East Loop; the other on Mesa Drive off Maria Lane near West Loop. Both are in well-populated residential areas.

The city is considering these sites because it needs a new reservoir for water for the people who are within the city limits. This will store water for the Calleguas Water District. The residents in the Heights are in the Pleasant Valley Mutual Water District.

Many of us are asking ourselves why the city proposes to do this in the unincorporated area when there is still land available in the city which could be used. One of the answers I received was that a certain elevation is needed. Also, some 14 sites were considered, and city officials narrowed it down to these two sites.


There are many safety and environmental issues and concerns with this type of project. Many residents who live near these proposed sites are concerned. Anyone who lives in the heights, and who would be in the direct path of this reservoir, should also be concerned. They are going to be storing 4 million gallons of water there.


