
VENTURA : Plaza Signs Posted Over Cycling, Skating

The city of Ventura has posted signs in California Plaza warning bicyclists, along with skateboardersand in-line skaters, to keep out.

The ban was issued last week because of concerns that such activities were damaging the new $800,000 beachfront plaza and posing a safety threat to pedestrians.

For the most part, people have obeyed the new policy although a few teen-agers moved one sign over the weekend, parks manager Bill Byerts said.


“They were playing games,” Byerts said. “We are going to put it near a tree and put a chain around it until we get permanent signs.”

Those signs should be installed in two to three weeks, Byerts said.

In the meantime, enforcement of the new policy will be lenient, Byerts said. Parking attendants, Parks and Recreation Department officials and Ventura police will verbally warn bicyclists and others that they are in violation of the law. Repeat offenders will be cited.

City officials said Tuesday they were unsure how much a skater or bicyclist could be fined for breaking the new city policy, which applies only to California Plaza.
