
In Defense of Torrance

Re “Some Echo Fuhrman’s Views of Torrance,” Aug. 31:

I am a professional African American woman who has lived in Torrance for the past three years and I think this city is wonderful! The streets are clean and freshly paved, there’s no graffiti on the buildings, and I feel safe enough to walk to the store at night. I have never experienced any of this “institutionalized racism,” and have always found everyone here to be very polite.

Torrance cops aggressively control crime and residents like it that way. So, if it’s a choice between a determined police force and carloads of marauding Crips taking over the city, guess which one I choose? I suggest that if anyone’s having problems in Torrance, to simply stay away. They obviously don’t belong here.




* As a longtime resident of Torrance, I must respond to your very biased article about my adopted hometown. Quite simply, there is no better city in Southern California. I am sure my son, who played with blacks on his high school football team, and my daughter, who knew and socialized with many different ethnic groups, would be surprised to learn they grew up in a racist city.


The most glaring example of your own bias is the fact that you did not report that the Justice Department lawsuit has been in effect gutted by the judge in the case, and very little of substance remains.

I am sure that given the rabid hunt for the politically incorrect, if in fact there was a pattern to keep the city white and middle class, the local courts would be straining under lawsuits brought by the supposed aggrieved, with all local real estate agents and home sellers as defendants.

The only requirement to become a Torrance police officer is that an applicant be the most qualified for the position. If you don’t meet that standard, the citizens of the city do not want you. End of discussion.


Mark Fuhrman maligned a good city, and you have furthered that misconception with your article.


