
Central Los Angeles : NEW LEADER

Rosa M. Martinez, a former citywide liaison to the Latino community under Mayor Tom Bradley, has been named executive director of the community-based Proyecto Pastoral at Dolores Mission in Boyle Heights.

In her new post, which she took over last week, Martinez oversees the eight programs that make up Proyecto Pastoral, which provides training, education and social services to about 5,000 people, most of them Latino, in the Pico-Aliso housing projects.

“Our biggest challenge will be finding a way to resolve the violence, finding a way to engage the youth in education and finding jobs for them,” Martinez said. “This is a very poor neighborhood and change is very difficult.”


Martinez has been involved with the East Los Angeles community for more than 30 years in a variety of positions. She was press deputy for Councilman Richard Alatorre and was the first Latina to serve in a senior management position at the ACLU of Southern California.
