
VALLEY WEEKEND : Keeping Kids Clothed in High Fashion at Low Prices : Sherman Oaks shop offers sizable discounts on brand-name children’s wear that has been used--not abused.


The cost of kids’ clothes is a sore point with many parents today. It’s no wonder when you can find a $110 price tag on a toddler dress. Who will pay that kind of money for something that will be too small in a few months? A wealthy aunt? A doting grandmother? Most parents certainly won’t.

Maybe that’s why children’s resale shops are so popular. You pay a fraction of the original price, if you’re buying, or you can sell items on consignment and get something back on your investment.

But there is a dearth of good children’s resale shops in the San Fernando Valley. Orange, Riverside and San Diego counties have many, but there is only a smattering in the Valley and on the Westside. One of the better ones is Re-Runs for Wee Ones, owned by Maggie Russell, a mom and recent emigre from Scotland who still bristles at the money she spent on baby items.


When putting together some school outfits in a resale store, you can afford to look at the expensive labels. Oshkosh B’Gosh, Guess?, The Gap, Benetton, Bon Homme, Pepino and Maxou are in abundance and generally reflect a price that is one-third the original.

For boys, there was a Size 5 pair of cream denim jeans from Guess? ($9.50) with a Bon Homme navy shirt ($6.50). New they would have totaled $48. For girls, a swing jacket and matching skirt by Benetton was $23.50, in contrast to $60 new.

There were some excellent buys for the toddler set. A Gymboree hooded jacket and pants outfit was $15.50, a lot better than the original $40. And a pair of Pepino denim overalls ($10.50) went well with a Benetton T-shirt ($4.50); originally this ensemble would have been $45. All garments here are clean--Russell won’t take anything that is spotted or torn.


Big savings can be realized on baby equipment, such as an Aprica stroller for $58 or a Childcraft crib (and mattress) that were like new except the $180 price. Also in stock are toys and maternity clothes.

Any item that has been in this shop for 60 days is automatically reduced 50%. If you shop here in September, look for the yellow tags; in October, it’s green tags that are 50% off the original prices.

There is a play area in the rear complete with a rocking horse and toys to keep the kids busy while you shop. Re-Runs for Wee Ones is at 12910 Riverside Drive, Sherman Oaks. Hours: 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday, noon to 4 p.m. Sunday. Call (818) 508-9274.


Weekend Super Sale: The Cotton U.S.A. Outlet store always has wholesale prices. But starting Friday, there will be an even better deal--20% below wholesale for anything in the store. Pants that retail for $30 will be sale priced at $13. Tops that retail at $48 will be $19.20 through Oct. 29. The store is at 22559 Ventura Blvd., Woodland Hills. Hours: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday and noon to 4 p.m. the first and third Sundays of the month. (818) 225-8725.
