
NEWLY INTERPRETED: Court interpreters are in high...

NEWLY INTERPRETED: Court interpreters are in high demand but need more training opportunities, says a new state Judicial Council study. In Orange County, Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters are most in demand, court officials say. But there’s also a demand for interpreters who know Russian, Cantonese and even Tagalog. . . . The study shows Orange County second only to Los Angeles County in money spent annually for interpreters: $2.5 million.

NO JULIO: The cancellation of Julio Iglesias’ concert tonight at the Pacific Amphitheatre in Costa Mesa means that the theater’s comeback season will be limited to one show, apart from County Fair dates: a Robert Cray concert Oct. 8. . . . Lisa Fleury, spokeswoman for the Costa Mesa amphitheater, attributed the dearth of ’95 concerts to a late start on booking due to its management change. A fuller schedule of attractions is expected to start next spring.

SELLING SULTRY: Remember the first really big poster, 15 million copies of Farrah Fawcett in her red bathing suit? You can still get one, through the L.L. Knickerbocker Co. in Rancho Santa Margarita. The company announced Wednesday it soon will market a poster series “tracing the history of Farrah Fawcett,” selling it through Cybertown on the Internet. . . . How did the marketing company get such a deal? It lists Fawcett on its board of directors.


BIG-SCREEN CEREMONY: At least one group is excited about the California Angels returning home tonight for the final four games of the season (C1). More than 1,000 Vietnamese Americans will be on hand for pregame honors for seven students from their community to win “Leaders of Tomorrow” scholarships. . . . The entire ceremony will be shown on the stadium screen before the game with the Oakland A’s. The sponsoring group, Vietnamese Community of Orange County Inc., says it may be the most Vietnamese Americans ever to attend an Angels game.
