

Attention Teen Beat editors:

Uh, sorry, I meant L.A. Times. It was pretty difficult to tell the difference Sept. 17 with all the gushing going on (“Don’t Call Him Sexy” by Bronwen Hruska and “Burning Bush” by Elysa Gardner). How many adjectives do we really need, I wonder? “Jutting jaw muscles and soulful blue eyes,” “unkempt goatee . . . calm . . . his arm drapes easily over the back of the sofa,” “lean, sinuous frame, high cheekbones and dark elegance” and my personal favorite, “While their appeal to teen-age girls would go without question to anyone who isn’t blind. . . .”

Ironically, both articles were supposedly perpetuating the essence of the artists, minus the fluff. What we got instead was major fluff. I can see that Brad Pitt is pretty; I was interested in what, if anything, went on inside his head. I think Gavin Rossdale is fine, but when I listen to his music that doesn’t matter. I was interested in the motivation behind his lyrics. Really, I was. Just the facts, please.


North Hollywood
