
BODY WATCH : Children’s Clothes With a Message

Children who are allergic to certain foods need reminding, and adults should be put on the alert too. Mimic Kidswear does both. Kids’ allergies are advertised sandwich board-style on cotton T-shirts, sweat shirts, dresses, pants and jackets ($12-$32). For example, “I’m Allergic to Milk” is emblazoned on the front with “Allergy Alert” printed on the back. There are also medical alerts for eggs, shellfish, nuts, cigarette smoke and asthma. The Canadian company also sells allergy alert patches ($3.75) to sew on existing wardrobes. Phone (800) 450-3301; fax (416) 446-7755.

Events . . .

Between now and Nov. 4, Care-america 65 Plus is sponsoring free flu shots at clinics throughout Southern California for those 65 and older. Call (800) 963-8008 for a location near you . . . The South Pasadena Police Department’s sixth annual Community Safety Fair goes from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Saturday with education, entertainment and stars. Free. Garfield Park, 815 S. Mission Ave. Call (818) 799-1121 for information . . . Free “Caregivers’ Series” for those providing care for older adults, Oct. 9 through Nov. 13. Northridge Hospital Medical Center, 18300 Roscoe Blvd. Call (800) 922-0000 for reservations . . . Learn to cook “Heart Healthy” with a licensed nutritionist. Free. 7-9 p.m. Oct. 11. Encino Tarzana Regional Medical Center, 18321 Clark St., Tarzana. Call (800) 779-6636 for reservations . . . Coastline Counseling Center offers a lecture on “Attention Deficit Disorder and Depression.” Oct. 16. $5. 7-8:30 p.m. 1200 Quail St., Suite 105, Newport Beach. Call (714) 476-0991 for information . . . There will be a free lecture on “Freezing Prostate Cancer: A New Alternative to Surgery” on Oct. 18. Sherman Oaks Hospital Community Health & Wellness Center, 4911 Van Nuys Blvd. Call (800) 554-7877 to register . . . Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) offers a seminar on “Preventing Youth Violence: Tools for the Health Care Professional.” $20; $10 students. 5-8 p.m. Oct. 19. CHOC Wade Education Center (West Building), 455 S. Main St., Orange. Call (714) 978-2415 or (714) 532-8887 to register.

Briefly . . .

Free Wheelin, Daniel Freeman Memorial Hospital’s wheelchair hockey team, is looking for members. 333 N. Prairie Ave., Inglewood. Call (310) 419-8232 about joining . . . Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center’s quarterly consumer newsletter provides practical information on cancer prevention, detection and treatment. Annual subscription to “Cancer Smart” costs $15. Call (800) 996-7522 to order . . . Senior citizens can be assisted by the Americans With Disabilities Act, according to the American Assn. of Retired Persons (AARP). A free publication, “Accessibility: It’s Yours for the Asking,” explains how. Send a stamped envelope to AARP Fulfillment, Accessibility, 601 E. St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20049 . . . Spinning is a cardiovascular workout that includes a simulated cross-country bike race full of jumps, sprints and climbing. Burn up to 800 calories in 40 minutes at Johnny G’s Spinning Fitness Club, 8729 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City, (310) 559-5454 . . . A study from the University of Michigan School of Nursing finds that working women taking care of their elderly, disabled mothers fare better in the caregiving role than unemployed or retired women. Employment acts as a buffer for daughters, enhancing their positive feelings about taking care of their mothers.


* This health roundup appears on Tuesdays. Items to be considered should be mailed 3 1/2 weeks before the event to Candace A. Wedlan, Health Watch, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, Calif. 90053. Fax: (213) 237-4888.
