
Central Los Angeles : Group to Poll Needs of Asian Immigrants

Volunteers from the East/West Community Partnership will conduct a door-to-door survey in the Chinatown and Lincoln Heights areas this weekend to assess the needs of Chinese and Vietnamese immigrants in those neighborhoods.

“We are collecting data in regards to the Asian community, mainly to fill in the gap,” said Shirley Wong, a community organizer representing Chinatown for the partnership. “There really hasn’t been an assessment of needs of the Asian community.”

The partnership’s goal is to talk to 85 households this weekend about concerns and problems in the community.


Topics on the survey range from gangs to discrimination against Asians.

“I think a lot of the concerns relate to youth,” Wong said, “There’s a lack of resources for youth, there’s no recreation center per se out in Lincoln Heights.”

Similar surveys have been done in other Asian communities, such as Koreatown and Little Tokyo, Wong said, and all the information will be available for the public to access if anyone needs statistical information about these neighborhoods.
