
South Bay : Contract Awarded to Expand Port of L.A.

The Port of Los Angeles has awarded a $44.7-million construction contract as part of plans to double the amount of cargo handled in the nation’s busiest harbor in the next 25 years.

Work on grading to separate the rail from the street at New Dock Street and Henry Ford Avenue on Terminal Island is scheduled to begin next month. Shimmick/Obayashi Joint Venture of Hayward, Calif., has been contracted for the project, which officials expect to be completed in two years.

The construction, which will prevent traffic tie-ups by elevating the railroad tracks above the roadway, is one of 25 projects in the port’s Pier 300-400 expansion plan, the largest undertaking of its kind in the nation. When completed, the project will add 582 acres of docks and storage space to the 7,500-acre port.


The expansion is also expected to generate considerably more traffic, but the grading will help ease the congestion. The Shimmick/Obayashi construction project is also slated to add storm drains on the marsh- and landfill-heaped island.
