
Nurse Awarded $88,000 in Disability Case Against Hospital

A jury awarded a nurse at County-USC Medical Center in Los Angeles $88,000 after a judge ruled that the county had violated the Americans With Disabilities Act by changing her duties after a work-related injury.

After a day of jury deliberations, U.S. District Judge William Rea decided the case himself and instructed the nine-person panel that Ana Espinosa’s rights had been violated under the Americans With Disabilities Act. He asked the jury to continue their deliberations to determine the amount awarded to Espinosa.

Espinosa, a registered nurse, fell and hurt her back in 1991 while working at the county hospital. She took a 15-month leave, and when she returned, her doctor said she was able to resume her former duties as a diabetics nurse educator. But after being back at work for three months, hospital administrators said she could no longer be assigned to patient care because of her injury.


In 1993, Espinosa spent another five months working directly with patients before again having her duties changed to a job in which she had no contact with patients. She said the second change was made because of her back injury. She filed suit in 1994, claiming the county had engaged in disability discrimination.

Rea also said he will issue an injunction requiring the county to allow her to return to her duties working with patients.
