
San Gabriel Valley : Preservationists Push Land Use Plan

Launching a new chapter in Diamond Bar’s struggle over development, preservationists who have led two successful efforts to scrap the city’s General Plan submitted a petition this week to put their own land use plan on the ballot.

The Diamond Bar Citizens to Protect Country Living submitted an initiative petition to the city clerk Wednesday, saying that unlike a third General Plan adopted by the City Council less than three months ago, its proposal will limit growth and preserve the canyons and hillsides.

“We don’t want to stop growth, but we do want to preserve our city’s country atmosphere,” said Max Maxwell, leader of the citizens’ group. “Our plan limits growth and requires a vote of the people rather the council to change land from open space to housing.”


But Mayor Phyllis Papen said the group’s plan amounts to “no growth” because virtually any land use requires a vote of the people
