
Gripe : Food Stamp Fast Food? : How can taxpayers be expected to pay for luxuries they can’t afford for themselves?

LYNN TAYLOR, Hacienda Heights

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing when I spotted this sign while driving through South El Monte. Is this the Subway sandwich shops’ latest advertising campaign, promoting food stamps?

A review of the Subway menu inside indicated that it would cost about $15 to $20 to feed a family of four. But a family of four along with their neighbors could be fed on that amount if the shopping were done at any local supermarket.

As a conscientious consumer, taxpayer and mother, I feel it is a gross misuse of funds when costly convenience/fast foods are promoted and provided at taxpayers’ expense. What will it be next? The concession stand at the local theater, or a “Dodger Dog” at the stadium?


Further investigation indicated that food stamps are accepted for fast food at certain locations only. That seems like discrimination.

I don’t work 50-plus hours a week so that the “underprivileged” can be more privileged than myself or my family. I shop the supermarket sales and use coupons. We have to exercise extra effort--buy food and prepare it--because my budget doesn’t allow for luxuries like fast food.

I hope that something can be done about this before it continues and spreads to other fast-food chain restaurants.
