
Hearing Planned on Hospital Certificates

Ventura County supervisors have scheduled a public hearing on the proposed sale of $51 million in bond-like certificates needed to finance a new wing at the county hospital.

Representatives of the county’s Public Facilities Corp., which is responsible for issuing the certificates, will join the board in presiding over the hearing.

The supervisors approved the Ventura County Medical Center expansion last December. The board, however, delayed issuing the certificates, in part over fears that fallout from Orange County’s investment debacle could harm the county’s credit rating.


Also contributing to the delay was a lawsuit filed by Community Memorial Hospital against the medical center, claiming it was unfairly competing for private patients. Community Memorial lost its court case but has since filed an appeal.

With its credit rating unharmed, county officials said they are now preparing to proceed with sale of the certificates but have not set a definite date.

Officials said the new five-story hospital wing is needed to replace portions of the existing facility that are 70 years old and uninhabitable. Some of the new space would also house services now offered in leased buildings.


County taxpayer groups have protested the sale of the certificates, which they said would drive the county deeper into debt and finance an unneeded expansion.

Supervisors scheduled the public hearing to solicit comments from both supporters and opponents of the expansion. The hearing is set for 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Ventura County Government Center.
