
Housing Plan Draws Fire From 2 Cities

* I am so proud to be a citizen of Laguna Beach and a member of my neighborhood in South Laguna.

Through these last 11 months, my neighbors and I have struggled to gain representation and advocacy from the Laguna Niguel Planning Commission and City Council to no avail. The development of our beautiful ridgeline by Jack Binion was approved by Laguna Niguel, complete with drainage plans that threaten our property and safety.

On Sept. 26, we turned to the Laguna Beach City Council for help. (“Housing Project Pits 2 Neighboring Cities,” Sept. 28.) Prompted by just a call or a neighborhood sign, 120 citizens packed the City Council chambers (thank you all!) and eloquently voiced the fears we share of mud and water from this project.


What a difference it makes to be in our own city. The council voted unanimously to support us in our effort to overturn the Laguna Niguel approval. No one insulted us or called us names. No one impugned our patriotism for wanting the project redesigned. We no longer felt like we were speaking in a foreign tongue.

In response to the comments that we should allow Laguna Niguel to approve whatever they want in their city, I say yes--when there are no overriding concerns for another city.

In this case, however, the drainage design was chosen for expediency. The developer would not consider any drainage solution that required cooperation with the City of Laguna Beach. These words were spoken to me by one of the Laguna Niguel planners!



Laguna Beach

* I attended three Laguna Niguel City Council meetings regarding the Binion project. After listening and learning about this project, I found myself opposed to any development in this area. Such development would discourage not just the people of Laguna Niguel but all Orange County residents from enjoying what might be left of the existing Badlands Park.

It both saddens and sickens me to see what was once a beautiful city with open space covered with continuous rows of tract homes and tract mansions.


Laguna Niguel
