
Foul Play Feared in Man’s Disappearance : Investigation: Albert Charles Bean III of Aliso Viejo has not been heard from since last Sunday. His car was found abandoned and his ATM card was used under suspicious circumstances.


Albert Charles Bean III left home early last Sunday to meet a business associate at Sacramento Airport. The 48-year-old salesman, known for his punctuality, never made it to the meeting.

Bean, who is called Trey by all who know him, has not been heard from in a week, and police said Saturday that they suspect foul play.

The missing man’s ATM card was used at a bank in Fresno last Sunday evening by someone who covered the teller machine’s camera while withdrawing money. The next day, Bean’s white 1993 Mazda was found in the parking lot of a restaurant and lodge in San Luis Obispo with the keys inside, said Steve Tolley, a detective with the San Luis Obispo Police Department.


“It’s obviously suspicious and we’re worried,” Tolley said. “We are treating it right now as a very suspicious missing person case and possibly a homicide.”

Bean is the father of three children, including a 10-year-old son of whom he has partial custody. After a business conference in Sacramento last week, he was to meet his 22-year-old daughter in the San Jose area to discuss her wedding.

Bean, who frequently traveled throughout California and Mexico to sell engineering products, left his home at 2:30 a.m. Oct. 1 in order to make it to Sacramento by noon. When he didn’t make it, a business associate called the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, which checked the man’s home and found nothing suspicious, authorities said.


San Luis Obispo police were called on Monday by employees at the Apple Farm Restaurant and Lodge, who reported that a car had been left in their parking lot that did not belong to any of their guests.

Restaurant managers, who had been told by police that they would have to have the car towed themselves since it was on private property, contacted police again on Tuesday when they noticed the keys still in the ignition and credit cards strewn around inside, Tolley said.

Detectives in San Luis Obispo are working in conjunction with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department and Fresno authorities on the case. Tolley refused to speculate on what might have happened to Bean.
