
PIPE DREAMS: Remember Lake Hayvenhurst? Scene of...

PIPE DREAMS: Remember Lake Hayvenhurst? Scene of the Crime? The best- and worst-laid development plans often go awry. Today in Valley Briefing (B2).

GENDER NEUTRAL: Despite a recent vote to admit them, Valley women so far have not lined up to join that most male of fraternal organizations, the Elks. . . . Jim Leister of the Van Nuys-Reseda Lodge said he knows of no women waiting to wear the jeweled Elk chains or learn the secret Elk salute. . . . Are fellow members in the 127-year-old organization looking forward to the change? Leister won’t say.

DRIVING DAYS: Freeway traffic has been on the light side lately. Last week, it was because of the Jewish high holidays and the O.J. Simpson verdict. And the roads should be fairly clear Monday, too: Government workers have Columbus Day off. . . . CHP Sgt. Ernie Garcia says freeways respond to the world around them. So when folks crowd around the tube or walk to temple, that leaves space for others.


PLUCKY KID: A month after losing an arm and a leg in a massive electric shock, 9-year-old Ryan Wilson on Saturday left the Burn Center at Sherman Oaks Hospital with a bag of lollipops and a smile on his face. . . . Ryan will wear prosthetics, and should be able to walk and even run in a few months. Despite nine operations in 30 days, the Santa Barbara youngster managed a sense of humor. While watching a movie in which a sign appeared warning, “Danger: 10,000 volts,” the boy remarked: “That’s nothing. I got 16,000.” (B3)

L’CHAIM: An Israeli dance troupe will be hoofing it at Van Nuys High this afternoon at 2. For a sawbuck, you can be entertained . . . while learning about another culture or celebrating your own. The troupe is called Keshet Chaim, which means Rainbow of Life. Tickets at the door, or call (818) 784-0344.
