
Leg of waitress:We previously reported the shocking...

Leg of waitress:

We previously reported the shocking accusation made against the female symbol of the Ruby’s chain of restaurants.

A member of Santa Barbara’s sign committee had charged that the smiling waitress “doesn’t have any underwear” and “needs a breast reduction because she’s pretty buxom.” The committee recommended against allowing Ruby’s to display the logo on the exterior of its new restaurant in that sensitive town.

Now we get word that Ruby’s went ahead and put up the sign anyway. And the city’s Community Development Department, perhaps anxious to avoid more publicity on the manner, overruled the sign committee and decided there was nothing amiss with the waitress’ wardrobe or her measurements.


Such a dispute would never have arisen in sinful L.A., of course. Ruby’s server doesn’t seem any more daring to us than her roller-skating counterpart at Larry Parker’s diner, for instance.

And both are downright homespun compared to the real-life waitresses in Pegasus, a now-closed waterfront cafe in San Pedro. They served food while wearing lingerie, even during the morning hours.


KNOCK, KNOCK: Do police officers need a search warrant to legally enter the cardboard home of a street person living on a sidewalk? The question was raised in a case reviewed in the L.A. Daily Journal the other day.


Reaching into the box, the cops had found clothing that was stolen from an L.A. store.

The dweller claimed his right to privacy had been violated and wanted the evidence suppressed.

But a state appeals court disagreed, saying that a person “who occupies a temporary shelter on public property without permission and in violation of an ordinance prohibiting sidewalk blockages is a trespasser subject to immediate ejectment. . . . “

By the way, the cops said they didn’t just barge in. One officer knocked on the box a couple of times.



UNMADE IN L.A.: The city of Los Angeles is selling pens fashioned from recycled material to promote recycling. Only thing is, the pens were made in Germany. And the recycled material came from Germany. Word is that no L.A. company was able to make pens out of recyclables.


DOES KATHIE LEE KNOW ABOUT THIS? Times environmental reporter Frank Clifford received a letter from a Laughlin, Nev., reader who praised one of his articles.

But, on a sour note, the reader added, “I heard your remarks on [TV’s] ‘Monday Night Football’ about Deion Sanders’ impact on the Dallas Cowboys. I always thought you were better informed on the environment than on football, Frank. And that goes for Al and Dan, too.”

Actually, that was Frank Gifford who made those remarks.

As for environmental reporting on the football broadcasts, we’re not sure whether the other Frank--or Al or Dan--is assigned to announce the temperature at game time.


We’ve canceled the wisecrack we were going to make about the O.J. Simpson interview by the NBC team of Tom Brokaw and Kathie Lee Gifford--excuse us, Katie Couric.
