
Encino : Community Group Forms to Save Oaks

A group of concerned residents is springing into action to save stately oak trees in Encino and surrounding areas from the ravages of smog and drought.

The newly formed group, Save Our Oaks, will try to increase community awareness about the deteriorating trees as well as raise funds for their treatment.

The organization’s first project is to collect enough money to hire arborists to care for the Lang Oak, a tree located on Louise Avenue just south of Ventura Boulevard that is believed to be 1,000 years old. Its treatment is expected to cost $3,000.


The group includes representatives from the Encino Chamber of Commerce, Homeowners of Encino, Encino Property Owners Assn., Amestoy Street Neighborhood Watch and local schools. Public Works Commissioner Ellen Stein and managers of the Department of Public Works’ street tree division helped form the group.

“I think it’s really exciting,” said Stein, chairwoman of Save Our Oaks. “It’s exactly the kind of thing that the mayor has talked about, taking care of our community and being responsible for things.”

On Thursday, City Councilman Marvin Braude will accept checks from the group on behalf of the city at a public ceremony at the Lang Tree. The money will go into an existing city fund devoted to the treatment of trees in Encino and nearby areas. Schoolchildren who attend the event will receive oak tree seedlings donated by the tree division.
