
Schools / Education news : HUNTINGTON BEACH : Panel to Recommend Use for Gisler Site

A committee of business representatives, property owners and teachers has been selected to oversee the future of the closed Gisler School site.

The Huntington Beach City School District Board of Trustees recently chose 11 people to serve on the disposition committee.

The nearly 15-acre school site, at 21141 Strathmoor Lane, was first occupied in 1969. The school was closed in June, 1986. The buildings have had limited use since then, and all attempts to lease the complex have been unsuccessful.


The athletic fields are currently used for soccer and baseball.

The committee will be asked to review projected school enrollment and other data to determine the amount, of surplus space and real property and to establish a priority list for use.

Residents will be invited to comment at committee meetings. After public hearings, the committee will make a final determination and present its recommendations for the disposition of Gisler School to trustees.

