
DANA POINT : Council Turns Down Proposal for Signs

The City Council has rejected a proposed ordinance that would have allowed certain businesses to post signs to better attract customers.

The ordinance would have regulated the size, location and design of the signs for tourist and recreation-related businesses that are located on main roadways but far from passing traffic.

Council members were divided over the proposal Tuesday night and voted 3 to 2 to turn it down. Council members Judy Curreri and William L. Ossenmacher favored the ordinance. Mayor Karen Lloreda and council members Harold R. Kaufman and Toni Gallagher opposed it.


Curreri said tastefully done “community” signs would help visitors find hotels or restaurants without having to search or ask gas station attendants and other merchants. She said the signs should be generic, and not include the name of a particular hotel or restaurant.

But Kaufman called the ordinance “very unfair,” saying it would mainly help businesses that cater to tourists. And Gallagher said residents had told her they don’t want to see more signs in their seaside enclave.

“The only purpose of these signs is to help the tourists find a hotel,” Gallagher said.

The Planning Commission is expected to review the ordinance and may recommend changes before sending it to the council for reconsideration.
