
SPANISH SURCHARGE: This month’s past-due notice to...

SPANISH SURCHARGE: This month’s past-due notice to water customers in San Fernando looks like a bad deal for Spanish speakers. It said, in Spanish, the water would be shut off unless the bill was paid by Oct. 13. The same notice told English readers the cutoff date was Oct. 24. Finance Director Steve Klotzsche blames a clerical error, confessing both dates are wrong. In any language, users will get the benefit of the doubt--and have until the 24th.

SIGN HERE: Ross Perot’s troops will be out in force in the San Fernando Valley this weekend as part of a statewide effort to sign up 88,000 voters by Oct. 24. That’s the deadline to qualify Perot’s Reform Party for next year’s elections. . . . West Valley volunteer Harry Musolff said his people will be at post offices today and at the Sherman Oaks Fair all weekend.

THE WHOLE TRUTH: Valencia’s Warren Entertainment Center was back to normal Friday after its one-day stint as Camp O.J. North. The studio complex was descended upon Thursday by media crews following a hot tip that a dismissed Simpson juror was baring all for Playboy. The studio’s John Warren confirmed that ex-juror Tracy Hampton, above, was photographed for Playboy on a courtroom set.


RADIO DAYS: The future is . . . radio. At least, that’s what media mogul Rupert Murdoch and investor Michael Milken’s family trust are betting on. Their joint investment firm has bought an interest in a Sherman Oaks radio programming syndicate, Premiere Radio Networks Inc. (D1).

OVEREXPOSURE: “Baywatch” star Pamela (Anderson) Lee, known for working as close to naked as TV allows, was treated at Westlake Medical Center Friday for “flu-like symptoms.” Her publicist blamed the illness on exhaustion, not . . . as one might conclude . . . overexposure. New hubby Motley Crue rocker Tommy Lee was at his wife’s bedside.
