
B-2 Program’s Cost Can’t Be Justified

After reading about Northrop’s attempt to sell 20 additional B-2s to the Pentagon (“Northrop Drive to Sell Additional B-2s Passes Key Hurdle,” Sept. 8), I have one question: How many of the mentioned House members, especially those who are crying about the cost of Medicare and the sad condition of the Social Security system, could really look a senior citizen or a future retiree in the face and justify the cost of up to $15 billion on a project that even the Defense Department doesn’t want?

While I agree that we must maintain a strong defense, I feel as the Defense Department does that this is not the way to do it. I think it’s obvious that good old politics and pressure from local leaders who still love sucking from the federal pork barrel while they live in the good old Cold War days have a lot to do with it.

Here we are approaching a new century and we still don’t have our priorities straight. Maybe we never will.



