Dedicated Officers Deserve Support
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* At best, law and order in today’s society is fragile, to say the least. The only thing separating all of us from acts of violence and oppression is laws and justice enforced by law enforcement, i.e., peace officers.
Our fragile justice structure is in severe danger as never before, a result of several successive dynamic events exposing our system of democracy to ridicule and possible destruction.
The acts of a few corrupt and venal peace officers try the very hearts of dedicated officers to consider returning their badges or reconsider risking their life and limb for a society that now condemns each and every officer for the destructive acts of a few. A country where its President resigns his office in shame and not one drop of blood is shed demonstrates the strength of our democracy. What of the widows, widowers and children of the 13 California peace officers slain last year? How do you think they feel about the reaction of society to law enforcement by the dastardly acts of a few officers? Will this tempt those on the fringe of lawlessness to step over the line to commit unlawful acts or result in opening the floodgates of acts by ruthless, hardened criminals to become more brazen in committing heinous crimes, believing a segment of society will no longer trust peace officers or our system of justice? We must never compromise our sworn duty due to the acts and shame of a few law enforcement contemptibles.
Let us rededicate ourselves to affirm our sworn oath the day we avowed this noble profession. Peace officers sworn to protect and serve every person in this great state, the poor, rich, strong, weak, feeble, green, black, brown, yellow, white. The law is colorblind and protects all citizens equally and we vow to enforce this doctrine.
Legislative Advocate
Santa Ana Police Officers Assn.