
Focus Askew in Story on Breakup Meeting

* In The Times’ Sept. 24 article, “Focus of School District Breakup Task Force Questioned,” it was stated that the 31st District Parent-Teacher-Student Assn. was spinning its wheels and lacked focus in its feasibility study addressing unresolved issues of a possible breakup of the L.A. Unified School District.

Of the 52 people present (who came prepared to study issues and to hear presentations from the county committee on school district organization on the suggested process needed to prepare for possible reorganization), it is interesting to us that The Times would again focus on the negative point of view voiced by one or two attendees who have but a single purpose--to break up the district, no matter what cost.

It is amazing to us that a reporter could sit through the 31st District PTSA’s kick-off session, interview numerous planners and participants, and not realize the direction the task force is taking.


It is even more unconscionable that one participant (who solicited membership) could not understand the “how” that was being spelled out for her. This after being given the format by phone, mail and through re-emphasis by Marc Forgy of the necessity to study specific criteria for consideration of any reorganization plan. (Forgy is secretary to the L.A. County Committee on School District Reorganization.) The 31st District’s direction has not varied since April, when we agreed to do a feasibility study on criteria that needed to be considered for any plan on reorganizing of a school district. It has also been made clear what the areas of emphasis have to be for the county committee to move forward.

These questions have to be addressed by the 31st District Task Force before any position or plan can be brought to our membership for a vote. Those who cannot--or choose not to--understand this position do not understand the responsibility we have to our 55,000 members.



Flory is president of the 31st District PTSA in Van Nuys
