
Westside : Police Assn. Appeals OK of Nightclub, Restaurant on Pier

The Santa Monica Police Officers Assn. has appealed a Planning Commission decision to allow a large restaurant and nightclub to be built on the Santa Monica Pier.

The police union joined with a residents’ group to oppose the development, citing concern about the safety of police officers and the public and about parking, traffic and noise.

The planning commission approved the project to build the 699-seat restaurant with entertainment stages on Sept. 20, despite protests by police and neighborhood residents.


The appeal was filed on Oct. 4, and is not yet scheduled before the Santa Monica City Council.

The police organization and the Citizens for a Safe Santa Monica filed the appeal because they share concerns that the proposed indoor and outdoor stages combined with the sale of alcohol would create an “uncontrollable situation,” said Sgt. Steve Brackett, police association chairman. . . .
