
14-Pound Trout Sets a Record

It’s no world record. It’s not even a state record. But Tim Halley of Lemon Grove can honestly say he caught the biggest trout in San Diego County.

According to Hugh Marx, head ranger at Cuyamaca Lake, a small reservoir located in the mountains just beyond the northern border of Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, Halley was en route to the dock when he noticed a big fish swirling on the surface.

He cast a fly and, after a lengthy struggle on two-pound tippet line, brought in a rainbow trout that tipped the lake’s scale at 13 pounds 15 ounces, beating the county record by two ounces.


It was later determined by a weights and measures representative, on hand to check the gas pumps, that the scale was off by two ounces, which means Halley’s fish actually weighed 14 pounds 1 ounce.
