
FULLERTON : One Alley Given Away; Second Request Denied

City Council members this week turned down a request to turn over a city alley to an apartment complex owner but agreed to give up another alley to a condominium complex owner.

The owner of Sturbridge Village Apartments on Yorba Linda Boulevard had asked the city to give him the alley adjacent to his property so that he could install gates that would block public access.

Neighbors around the apartments protested, however, saying they rely on the alley to get to and from home quickly without clogging other streets.


Council members agreed that closing the alley would affect too many people adversely. “It’s a public alley and should remain as such,” Councilman Chris Norby said.

But the owner of the Arbor condominiums on Madison Avenue did get his request granted. City officials said that alley affects the residents of the condominiums only and that closing it would not cause traffic problems for other residents.

The condo complex owner plans to install gates to close the alley, city officials said, which will increase security for the property.
