
North Hollywood : Habitat for Humanity May Need New Home

In what can only be called a role reversal, Habitat for Humanity--the ecumenical group that builds houses for low-income families--may soon be homeless, unless it finds a roommate.

The San Fernando/Santa Clarita valleys branch of the nonprofit organization has occupied an 11,000-square-foot red brick warehouse for the past 15 months under a partnership with the United Methodist Committee on Relief, said Habitat office manager Hannah Almstead.

Under the agreement, the committee rented the warehouse in an industrial section of North Hollywood to house earthquake relief supplies, and Habitat for Humanity was the caretaker, covering utilities and security.


But no more.

The committee no longer provides earthquake relief. The landlord--who offered the groups a discount on rent--can’t cut the rate further.

Eviction is unlikely, but donations are down and the group simply can’t make the $4,500 monthly rent.

“It’s ironic that we are the ones here to provide the service of making homes available to low-income families . . . and yet, here we are searching for a home, so to speak,” said Helena Delu, Habitat’s earthquake recovery program manager.


But the $20,000 sunk into converting a second warehouse into a dormitory for volunteers makes the group reluctant to move.

“It might not look like much to you, but this is our pride and joy,” Almstead said of the sleeping quarters. “We would do anything to stay here.”

“It’s depressing,” administrative assistant Nancy Arnold said, adding that more effort spent on house hunting means less time spent on building new houses.


Arnold struggled to find a bright side to the predicament.

“This helps us identify better with our homeowners--wondering where we’re going to live and how we’re going to pay rent,” Arnold said.

Meanwhile, the group is gearing up for a “blitz build,” in which volunteers will rebuild an earthquake-damaged home in Newhall in one month, starting this weekend.

For more information about volunteering or subleasing, call (818) 765-2073.
