
Hospital Expansion Costly Expenditure

* It is stated in the Oct. 18 article, “Attorney Funds for Hospital Case Rise,” that the county supervisors voted to increase payment of legal fees to continue the legal battle to fund the expansion of Ventura County hospital.

In light of the Orange County and Los Angeles County financial crises, can any of us feel that we in Ventura are somehow immune? We need to play it safe these days, be prudent and cautious with government spending.

This expansion is just that, growth. This goes beyond updating of dilapidated facilities or streamlining services. This is an incredible expenditure and with that it carries the risk of being a financial burden to all of us who support the government with our tax dollars.


Good for Community Memorial Hospital that it is willing to go through the tremendous effort required to let the people of Ventura County see just what is really happening here and let us have a say in what building we want to support.


