
Ventura County Economic Profile


Latest Current reporting Year level period ago POPULATION Ventura County 720,508 Jan. ’95 708,992 Camarillo 58,472 Jan. ’95 56,562 Fillmore 12,872 Jan. ’95 12,937 Moorpark 27,544 Jan. ’95 27,202 Ojai 8,154 Jan. ’95 7,927 Oxnard 154,558 Jan. ’95 152,034 Port Hueneme 21,772 Jan. ’95 21,893 Santa Paula 27,093 Jan. ’95 26,887 Simi Valley 103,660 Jan. ’95 103,834 Thousand Oaks 112,600 Jan. ’95 110,391 Ventura 100,677 Jan. ’95 97,080 EMPLOYMENT Agriculture 18,200 Sep. 16,900 Oil & gas extraction 1,900 Sep. 1,900 Construction 11,100 Sep. 10,500 Durable manufacturing 19,900 Sep. 20,800 CQindentHigh technology 9,000 Sep. 9,500 Non-durable manufacturing 8,400 Sep. 8,600 Transportation & public utilities 11,600 Sep. 10,900 Wholesale trade 12,200 Sep. 11,600 Retail trade 45,400 Sep. 45,100 Finance, insurance & real estate 12,300 Sep. 12,000 Services 69,300 Sep. 67,900 Government 40,600 Sep. 40,500 Total employment in county 250,900 Sep. 246,700 Employed residents 361,000 Sep. 348,300 Unemployment rate 7.6% Sep. 8.7% Total employment California (thousands) 12,756 Sep. 12,613 Nation (millions) 124.8 Aug. 123.2 BUILDING PERMITS Residential permits, single-family Ventura County 1,326 Jan.-Aug. 1,115 Camarillo 129 Jan.-Aug. 111 Fillmore 30 Jan.-Aug. 31 Moorpark 50 Jan.-Aug. 61 Ojai 9 Jan.-Aug. 3 Oxnard 158 Jan.-Aug. 116 Port Hueneme 0 Jan.-Aug. 0 Santa Paula 2 Jan.-Aug. 4 Simi Valley 259 Jan.-Aug. 67 Thousand Oaks 342 Jan.-Aug. 221 Ventura 256 Jan.-Aug. 355 All residential units, single-family and multiple 1,468 Jan.-Aug. 1,482 Value of all residential permits (in millions of dollars) Ventura County $300.4 Jan.-Aug. $263.0 Camarillo $26.0 Jan.-Aug. $30.3 Fillmore $4.3 Jan.-Aug. $4.5 Moorpark $14.8 Jan.-Aug. $19.8 Ojai $1.6 Jan.-Aug. $1.9 Oxnard $42.5 Jan.-Aug. $30.5 Port Hueneme $0.8 Jan.-Aug. $0.8 Santa Paula $1.1 Jan.-Aug. $0.7 Simi Valley $57.6 Jan.-Aug. $20.7 Thousand Oaks $78.8 Jan.-Aug. $51.0 Ventura $42.4 Jan.-Aug. $62.0 Value of commercial/industrial permits (in millions of dollars) Ventura County $126.4 Jan.-Aug. $106.1 Camarillo $12.0 Jan.-Aug. $22.5 Fillmore $0.8 Jan.-Aug. $0.0 Moorpark $3.2 Jan.-Aug. $8.7 Ojai $3.7 Jan.-Aug. $0.1 Oxnard $20.1 Jan.-Aug. $18.3 Port Hueneme $3.0 Jan.-Aug. $0.4 Santa Paula $1.0 Jan.-Aug. $1.5 Simi Valley $9.4 Jan.-Aug. $17.9 Thousand Oaks $45.6 Jan.-Aug. $28.9 Ventura $13.6 Jan.-Aug. $6.6 INFLATION RATE Southern California 1.24% Sept. 1.66% RETAIL SALES Cities by quarter (in millions of dollars) Camarillo $49.6 1995 Q1 $48.2 Fillmore $9.4 1995 Q1 $8.9 Moorpark $14.8 1995 Q1 $16.6 Ojai $11.8 1995 Q1 $11.8 Oxnard $228.3 1995 Q1 $221.5 Port Hueneme $10.3 1995 Q1 $9.8 Santa Paula $20.5 1995 Q1 $20.0 Simi Valley $123.6 1995 Q1 $120.6 Thousand Oaks $273.1 1995 Q1 $265.3 Ventura $223.6 1995 Q1 $218.4 HOTEL / MOTEL ROOM SALES (In millions of dollars) Camarillo 2.01 1995 Q2 1.64 Ojai 3.38 1995 Q2 2.59 Oxnard 3.54 1995 Q2 3.47 Santa Paula 0.16 1995 Q2 0.15 Simi Valley 1.61 1995 Q2 1.45 Thousand Oaks 2.86 1995 Q2 2.51 Ventura 4.64 1995 Q2 4.64 MEDIAN HOME PRICES (In thousands of dollars) Ventura County $199.3 Jan.-Aug. $206.3 Camarillo $235.5 Jan.-June $227.3 Fillmore $160.8 Jan.-June $159.9 Moorpark $244.2 Jan.-June $215.8 Ojai $207.5 Jan.-June $208.1 Oxnard $172.6 Jan.-June $172.9 Port Hueneme $135.3 Jan.-June $145.7 Santa Paula $139.7 Jan.-June $149.4 Simi Valley $176.1 Jan.-June $176.6 Thousand Oaks $267.4 Jan.-June $261.6 Ventura $192.4 Jan.-June $181.0 HOME SALES Ventura County 3,775 Jan.-Aug. 4,893 MORTGAGE RATE Southern California average 7.40% 1995 Q2 6.30% HOUSING VACANCY RATE Ventura County 5.0% 1995 5.0% Camarillo 3.3% 1995 3.5% Fillmore 4.3% 1995 4.0% Moorpark 3.9% 1995 3.6% Ojai 3.6% 1995 2.9% Oxnard 5.0% 1995 5.3% Port Hueneme 10.4% 1995 10.7% Santa Paula 5.6% 1995 5.4% Simi Valley 3.8% 1995 3.3% Thousand Oaks 3.0% 1995 3.0% Ventura 5.2% 1995 5.1%

Percent change POPULATION Ventura County +1.6 Camarillo +3.4 Fillmore -0.5 Moorpark +1.3 Ojai +2.9 Oxnard +1.7 Port Hueneme -0.6 Santa Paula +0.8 Simi Valley -0.2 Thousand Oaks +2.0 Ventura +3.7 EMPLOYMENT Agriculture +7.7 Oil & gas extraction 0.0 Construction +5.7 Durable manufacturing -4.3 CQindentHigh technology -5.3 Non-durable manufacturing -2.3 Transportation & public utilities +6.4 Wholesale trade +5.2 Retail trade +0.7 Finance, insurance & real estate +2.5 Services +2.1 Government +0.2 Total employment in county +1.7 Employed residents +3.6 Unemployment rate -1.1 Total employment California (thousands) +1.1 Nation (millions) +1.3 BUILDING PERMITS Residential permits, single-family Ventura County +18.9 Camarillo +16.2 Fillmore -3.2 Moorpark -18.0 Ojai +200.0 Oxnard +36.2 Port Hueneme -- Santa Paula -50.0 Simi Valley +286.6 Thousand Oaks +54.8 Ventura -27.9 All residential units, single-family and multiple -0.9 Value of all residential permits (in millions of dollars) Ventura County +14.2 Camarillo -13.9 Fillmore -4.4 Moorpark -25.2 Ojai -15.3 Oxnard +39.4 Port Hueneme -2.3 Santa Paula +50.3 Simi Valley +178.3 Thousand Oaks +54.5 Ventura -31.6 Value of commercial/industrial permits (in millions of dollars) Ventura County +19.1 Camarillo -46.6 Fillmore -- Moorpark -63.0 Ojai +3,626.4 Oxnard +9.8 Port Hueneme +622.9 Santa Paula -35.8 Simi Valley -47.6 Thousand Oaks +57.8 Ventura +108.2 INFLATION RATE Southern California -0.42 RETAIL SALES Cities by quarter (in millions of dollars) Camarillo +2.9 Fillmore +5.4 Moorpark -11.0 Ojai -0.3 Oxnard +3.1 Port Hueneme +4.8 Santa Paula +2.4 Simi Valley +2.4 Thousand Oaks +2.9 Ventura +2.4 HOTEL / MOTEL ROOM SALES (In millions of dollars) Camarillo +22.3 Ojai +30.8 Oxnard +1.9 Santa Paula +3.6 Simi Valley +11.0 Thousand Oaks +14.0 Ventura 0.0 MEDIAN HOME PRICES (In thousands of dollars) Ventura County -3.4 Camarillo +3.6 Fillmore +0.5 Moorpark +13.2 Ojai -0.3 Oxnard -0.2 Port Hueneme -7.1 Santa Paula -6.5 Simi Valley -0.3 Thousand Oaks +2.2 Ventura +6.3 HOME SALES Ventura County -22.8 MORTGAGE RATE Southern California average +1.10 HOUSING VACANCY RATE Ventura County +0.0 Camarillo -0.2 Fillmore +0.3 Moorpark +0.3 Ojai +0.7 Oxnard -0.3 Port Hueneme -0.3 Santa Paula +0.2 Simi Valley +0.5 Thousand Oaks +0.0 Ventura +0.1


Prepared by: UC Santa Barbara Economic Forecast Project
