
Clinic Will Offer Low-Cost Flu Shots

The Buenaventura Medical Clinic has announced plans to offer flu shots at sites in Oxnard and Ventura.

On Thursday, influenza vaccinations will be available between 6 and 8 p.m. at the organization’s Oxnard branch, 1030 N. Ventura Road.

On Nov. 4, flu shots will be administered between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. in the Ventura office, 2705 Loma Vista Road.


Flu shots are free to high-risk patients of the Buenaventura Medical Clinic, but cost $5 for others. People who are over 65 or suffer from chronic conditions of the pulmonary or cardiovascular systems may be considered high-risk.

For more information, call 652-5200.
