
CYPRESS : Public Access TV Third in News Poll

Public access television ranks third as a source of local information, behind newspapers and city publications, according to a citywide survey on interest in education and government TV programming.

The poll found that a majority of local residents rely on Orange County newspapers for local news and information. Residents’ second-biggest source of local information was city publications, and television was third.

However, the poll found that a high proportion--1,012 households of the 1,409 responding--said family members watch one or more of cable TV’s public, education and government channels.


Conducted by city staff in August and September, the mail survey was done primarily to determine interest in cable TV’s public, education and government channels. Results were given to the City Council this month.

Of 8,403 households surveyed, 1,409 returned completed questionnaires. City officials said that the 17% response rate is considered by professional pollsters to be very high.

One question asked residents where they got local news. Of those responding, 765 said newspapers; 500 said city publications; 259 said television; and 94 said special organization publications.
