
Officials Again Endorse Tustin Base Reuse Plans


The Board of Supervisors this week reiterated the county’s interest in building five projects, including an 88-acre regional park at the Tustin Marine Corps Helicopter Air Station, which is scheduled to close by 1999.

A task force is preparing a reuse plan for the 1,600-acre helicopter base that includes housing, educational facilities and cultural centers. The plan must be approved by the Tustin City Council as well as by the federal government.

Supervisors originally suggested the five county projects in 1994. They endorsed the plan again at Tuesday’s board meeting.


The 88-acre park would contain of one of the base’s giant blimp hangars. Melinda Stewart, chief of county projects, said the park would have to pay for itself, so the county might put a restaurant or a museum at the site.

Other proposed county projects include:

* A regional law enforcement training center, which the county hopes to fund with state money.

* A children, youth and family resource center.

* An expanded children’s emergency shelter.

* An animal control facility.

The county will create more detailed designs for the projects once the reuse plan is better solidified.
