
Not So Pleased With the Postal Service

I was shocked after reading a Valley Newswatch item Oct. 18 on efficiency in the Van Nuys Postal District. I and others I know have nothing but problems with mail service and now pay for other forms of delivery. I just couldn’t believe the current situation is deemed efficient. I have numerous examples to back up my position, and I have filed incident reports with postal inspectors on each one. As a business owner, this will not do. Here are a few examples:

* My son’s wedding thank-you notes had to be mailed three times before all of the guests finally received them.

* Checks mailed from my office don’t seem to end up at their destination--they simply disappear, so we have to put stop-payment orders on some.


* I mailed out party invitations and half of them were received.

* Completed quarterly reports have been mailed to clients and never received.

* One letter took one month to get from Santa Clarita to my home in Northridge.

Letters to the postal inspector have been fruitless. Where is the efficiency? Who paid for the Price Waterhouse study?

KEITH ROSEN, Sherman Oaks
