
Ventura County Economic Profile


Latest Current reporting Year Percent level period ago change POPULATION Ventura County 720,508 Jan. ’95 708,992 +1.6 Camarillo 58,472 Jan. ’95 56,562 +3.4 Fillmore 12,872 Jan. ’95 12,937 -0.5 Moorpark 27,544 Jan. ’95 27,202 +1.3 Ojai 8,154 Jan. ’95 7,927 +2.9 Oxnard 154,558 Jan. ’95 152,034 +1.7 Port Hueneme 21,772 Jan. ’95 21,893 -0.6 Santa Paula 27,093 Jan. ’95 26,887 +0.8 Simi Valley 103,660 Jan. ’95 103,834 -0.2 Thousand Oaks 112,600 Jan. ’95 110,391 +2.0 Ventura 100,677 Jan. ’95 97,080 +3.7 EMPLOYMENT Agriculture 18,200 Sept. 16,900 +7.7 Oil & gas extraction 1,900 Sept. 1,900 0.0 Construction 11,100 Sept. 10,500 +5.7 Durable manufacturing 19,900 Sept. 20,800 -4.3 CQindentHigh technology 9,000 Sept. 9,500 -5.3 Non-durable manufacturing 8,400 Sept. 8,600 -2.3 Transportation & 11,600 Sept. 10,900 +6.4 public utilities Wholesale trade 12,200 Sept. 11,600 +5.2 Retail trade 45,400 Sept. 45,100 +0.7 Finance, insurance 12,300 Sept. 12,000 +2.5 & real estate Services 69,300 Sept. 67,900 +2.1 Government 40,600 Sept. 40,500 +0.2 Total employment in county 250,900 Sept. 246,700 +1.7 Employed residents 361,000 Sept. 348,300 +3.6 Unemployment rate 7.6% Sept. 8.7% -1.1 Total employment California (thousands) 12,756 Sept. 12,613 +1.1 Nation (millions) 125.1 Sept. 123.6 +1.2 BUILDING PERMITS Residential permits, single-family Ventura County 1,326 Jan.-Aug. 1,115 +18.9 Camarillo 129 Jan.-Aug. 111 +16.2 Fillmore 30 Jan.-Aug. 31 -3.2 Moorpark 50 Jan.-Aug. 61 -18.0 Ojai 9 Jan.-Aug. 3 +200.0 Oxnard 158 Jan.-Aug. 116 +36.2 Port Hueneme 0 Jan.-Aug. 0 -- Santa Paula 2 Jan.-Aug. 4 -50.0 Simi Valley 259 Jan.-Aug. 67 +286.6 Thousand Oaks 342 Jan.-Aug. 221 +54.8 Ventura 256 Jan.-Aug. 355 -27.9 All residential units, single-family and multiple 1,468 Jan.-Aug. 1,482 -0.9 Value of all residential permits (in millions of dollars) Ventura County $300.4 Jan.-Aug. $263.0 +14.2 Camarillo $26.0 Jan.-Aug. $30.3 -13.9 Fillmore $4.3 Jan.-Aug. $4.5 -4.4 Moorpark $14.8 Jan.-Aug. $19.8 -25.2 Ojai $1.6 Jan.-Aug. $1.9 -15.3 Oxnard $42.5 Jan.-Aug. $30.5 +39.4 Port Hueneme $0.8 Jan.-Aug. $0.8 -2.3 Santa Paula $1.1 Jan.-Aug. $0.7 +50.3 Simi Valley $57.6 Jan.-Aug. $20.7 +178.3 Thousand Oaks $78.8 Jan.-Aug. $51.0 +54.5 Ventura $42.4 Jan.-Aug. $62.0 -31.6 Value of commercial / industrial permits (in millions of dollars) Ventura County $126.4 Jan.-Aug. $106.1 +19.1 Camarillo $12.0 Jan.-Aug. $22.5 -46.6 Fillmore $0.8 Jan.-Aug. $0.0 -- Moorpark $3.2 Jan.-Aug. $8.7 -63.0 Ojai $3.7 Jan.-Aug. $0.1 +3,626.4 Oxnard $20.1 Jan.-Aug. $18.3 +9.8 Port Hueneme $3.0 Jan.-Aug. $0.4 +622.9 Santa Paula $1.0 Jan.-Aug. $1.5 -35.8 Simi Valley $9.4 Jan.-Aug. $17.9 -47.6 Thousand Oaks $45.6 Jan.-Aug. $28.9 +57.8 Ventura $13.6 Jan.-Aug. $6.6 +108.2 INFLATION RATE Southern California 1.24% Sept. 1.66% -0.42 RETAIL SALES Cities by quarter (in millions of dollars) Camarillo $49.6 1995 Q1 $48.2 +2.9 Fillmore $9.4 1995 Q1 $8.9 +5.4 Moorpark $14.8 1995 Q1 $16.6 -11.0 Ojai $11.8 1995 Q1 $11.8 -0.3 Oxnard $228.3 1995 Q1 $221.5 +3.1 Port Hueneme $10.3 1995 Q1 $9.8 +4.8 Santa Paula $20.5 1995 Q1 $20.0 +2.4 Simi Valley $123.6 1995 Q1 $120.6 +2.4 Thousand Oaks $273.1 1995 Q1 $265.3 +2.9 Ventura $223.6 1995 Q1 $218.4 +2.4 HOTEL / MOTEL ROOM SALES (In millions of dollars) Camarillo 2.01 1995 Q2 1.64 +22.3 Ojai 3.38 1995 Q2 2.59 +30.8 Oxnard 3.54 1995 Q2 3.47 +1.9 Santa Paula 0.16 1995 Q2 0.15 +3.6 Simi Valley 1.61 1995 Q2 1.45 +11.0 Thousand Oaks 2.86 1995 Q2 2.51 +14.0 Ventura 4.64 1995 Q2 4.64 0.0 MEDIAN HOME PRICES (In thousands of dollars) Ventura County $198.8 Jan.-Sept. $206.5 -3.8 Camarillo $235.5 Jan.-June $227.3 +3.6 Fillmore $160.8 Jan.-June $159.9 +0.5 Moorpark $244.2 Jan.-June $215.8 +13.2 Ojai $207.5 Jan.-June $208.1 -0.3 Oxnard $172.6 Jan.-June $172.9 -0.2 Port Hueneme $135.3 Jan.-June $145.7 -7.1 Santa Paula $139.7 Jan.-June $149.4 -6.5 Simi Valley $176.1 Jan.-June $176.6 -0.3 Thousand Oaks $267.4 Jan.-June $261.6 +2.2 Ventura $192.4 Jan.-June $181.0 +6.3 HOME SALES Ventura County 4,387 Jan.-Sept. 5,544 -20.9 MORTGAGE RATE Southern California average 7.40% 1995 Q2 6.30% +1.10 HOUSING VACANCY RATE Ventura County 5.0% 1995 5.0% +0.0 Camarillo 3.3% 1995 3.5% -0.2 Fillmore 4.3% 1995 4.0% +0.3 Moorpark 3.9% 1995 3.6% +0.3 Ojai 3.6% 1995 2.9% +0.7 Oxnard 5.0% 1995 5.3% -0.3 Port Hueneme 10.4% 1995 10.7% -0.3 Santa Paula 5.6% 1995 5.4% +0.2 Simi Valley 3.8% 1995 3.3% +0.5 Thousand Oaks 3.0% 1995 3.0% +0.0 Ventura 5.2% 1995 5.1% +0.1


Prepared by: UC Santa Barbara Economic Forecast Project
