
North Hollywood : Boy Falls Into Pool; in Critical Condition

A 1-year-old boy was in critical condition Monday after falling into the family pool, officials said.

Scott Monzon’s grandmother found him at about 1 p.m. floating in the pool behind a house on the 6100 block of Case Avenue in North Hollywood, said Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman Brian Humphrey.

Paramedics who rushed to the scene found the child with a very faint pulse, Humphrey said.

The baby was airlifted to Childrens Hospital in Los Angeles, where a spokesman said he was in critical condition in the intensive care unit.


Humphrey said no one witnessed the boy’s fall into the pool. He said relatives and neighbors applied a folk remedy, stuffing the baby’s diaper with ice cubes in hopes of reviving him. But that may have worsened the child’s condition by cooling the body and slowing blood flow, Humphrey said.
