
Two Women Found Dead in Bedroom of San Pedro Home

Construction workers discovered the bodies of two women and a cat Monday morning in the bedroom of a San Pedro home that had no electricity or other utilities and was undergoing renovation, police said.

A camping lantern was found in the bedroom and some kind of fumes were detected, authorities said, but the cause of the deaths remained under investigation.

Diana Labatto, 31, and Amanda Taylor, 20, tenants at the house in the 300 block of O’Farrell Street, were pronounced dead at the scene, Los Angeles Police Detective Roosevelt Joseph said.


Workers discovered the bodies shortly before 9 a.m. when they arrived to refurbish the beige stucco home, which had been damaged in a fire earlier this year, Joseph said. Both women were found lying on blanket-covered pads in a rear bedroom that contained no beds. The cat was discovered nearby in the same room.
