
GRAND TIME: Mario Lazo plans to be...

GRAND TIME: Mario Lazo plans to be on hand today when the 19 names are drawn to make up the 1996-97 Orange County Grand Jury. Lazo, the current grand jury foreman, remembers his thoughts when his own name was chosen. . . . Has it turned out as he expected? “It was as predictable as aliens coming down from Mars,” he chuckles. “I expected a learning experience, but nothing like this!” . . . He was selected, of course, pre-bankruptcy. Says Lazo: “The bankruptcy forced us to put everything else on hold.”

CAREER SHORT: Between them, they once played TV’s Superman as a baby. And they’ve shared the small role as first the baby, then the toddler this year, on Fox TV’s “Party of Five.” But alas, show biz can be a tough world for 2-year-olds. . . . Twins Brandon and Taylor Porter of Tustin got the ax this week--the producers have decided the role needs twins a little bit older. Says their mother, Lisa Porter: “It was fun while it lasted. But they’ve been a bit of a handful on the set.” . . . She’s taped all their shows, and kept all the scripts, to show them later.

HER WORLD: Bicyclist Joan Autry, 64, of La Palma, wanted to be prepared when she participated in October’s World Senior Games at St. George, Utah. So she spent the summer bicycling across Scandinavia. It paid off: She won three gold medals for her age division at the World Games. . . . Says Autry, who’s only been bicycling 16 years: “It really is a great way to see the world. But it’s best to take the back roads.”


RED CARPET TIME: The terminal at John Wayne Airport may still seem new to you. But it’s been five years, and a few million feet have walked through. So the county has ordered up $110,000 of new carpeting for its four baggage claim carousel areas. . . . All that walking--and suitcase pounding--has taken a toll. Spokeswoman Pat Ware says it’s just one attempt to maintain the airport’s sharp appearance. . . . She’s glad to add: No tax dollars involved. The carpeting will be paid for with airport-generated income.
