
Missed ‘3rd Strike’

* The astonishing story in the Oct. 28 Times concerning the conviction and life sentence of Kevin Thomas Weber for stealing cookies shows just how poorly justice and the public good are served by Draconian “three-strike” laws and the officials who seem to believe in them.

Weber is clearly not a major criminal and putting him in prison for 26 years for stealing cookies is going to cost California taxpayers a great deal of money. Surely a few months on a misdemeanor charge would have been both more humane and less expensive.

Consider also the remarks of Judge [Jean] Rheinheimer to the effect that she had no choice. But she did have a choice. As your story points out, she could have reduced the charge to a misdemeanor. Her claim is disingenuous.


Deputy Dist. Atty. [Dan] Hess’ comment that “This is a good ‘third-strike’ case,” is simply witless.

Perhaps we get the public servants we deserve, but surely any society composed of grown-ups can expect that some officials should be sometimes capable of common sense.


Newport Beach
