
LAPD Deserves Credit for Operation Sparkle

* Shame on the Los Angeles Times. The Times’ article on Operation Sparkle (“Residents Pitch In to Clear Litter for Operation Sparkle”) Oct. 22 was great as far as it went. There was not one word about it being a Los Angeles Police Department program. In this time of everyone bashing the LAPD, how about some credit where credit is due?

Operation Sparkle was created by Deputy Chief Mark Kroeker in 1991 as a way to involve the community in making the San Fernando Valley a better place to live. Police Commissioner Bert Boeckmann II was the first community chairman. The Police Department spearheaded the operation, as it has every year since. Deputy Chief Martin Pomeroy has ably continued the tradition. Sparkle was so successful in the Valley that last year it went citywide. Many hours of LAPD employees’ time are spent ensuring that Sparkle is well-coordinated, and that investment has been clearly worthwhile. This year, the Foothill area had more than 700 volunteers, while other areas had thousands.

Operation Sparkle includes a picnic afterward to reward the hard work. A disc jockey got everyone involved in having a good time that will be remembered as positive community-based policing.


The LAPD deserves credit for the good things we do!


Bergmann is commanding officer of the Foothill community police station

* Thank you for your story on Operation Sparkle. I’m part of a group Youth With A Mission, and we just did what our Bible says to do.


Lake View Terrace
