
Supervisor Requests Review of Regulations

The Board of Supervisors on Tuesday asked county officials to make a list of government regulations that might be eliminated or modified to help stimulate economic activity.

The idea was proposed by Supervisor Donald J. Saltarelli, who said Gov. Pete Wilson has ordered a similar review of state regulations that affect businesses.

Under the plan adopted Tuesday, the county administrative office will present the board with a list of questionable regulations early next year. Supervisors also requested that the list explain when and why the regulations were adopted.


Saltarelli said it makes sense for county workers to contribute to the list.

“It has been my experience in both government and private industry that the people who can best suggest positive change are the people who are working within the organization,” he said in a letter to the board.

Board Chairman Roger R. Stanton praised Saltarelli’s proposal, adding: “The fewer regulations we have to enforce, the less expenses we incur.”

Also Tuesday, supervisors voted to maintain funding for several crossing guards who work near schools in Rossmoor, an unincorporated area. County officials had proposed eliminating the safety program, saying there was insufficient demand for the service.


But supervisors decided to spare the crossing guards at least until next July. Representatives from the Los Alamitos Unified School District told the board the guards are needed.

Supervisors also instructed county officials to craft a new criteria to determine whether crossing guard programs should be eliminated.
